BONUS: Personal Update: Taking a Health Break from the Podcast
For the full story, please give the episode above a listen… I go into more detail on there, but…
I need to take a break from the podcast due to some personal health issues. And before you start screaming “Millennial Snowflake Burnout Wanker”…. it’s not that!
For the past few years, I’ve been dealing with bad chest pains and chronic pneumonia, which have really taken a toll on my fitness and overall health. After a lot of tests, I found out I have Barrett’s Oesophagus, a treatable but “pre-cancerous” condition.
I also had heart and respiratory tests, but they didn’t find anything major. However, an MRI revealed that I had broken the top ribs (Rib #1) on both sides (I think, but don’t know that this was when I fell off a roof), with one causing sharp pain by pressing into (and most likely perforating) my lung. This means I need a tricky surgery to fix it, which involves open chest surgery.
Despite all these health problems, I’m positive and hopeful about getting back to 100%. My family and friends have been incredibly supportive, and I’m really grateful for their help.
I’ll be thinking up new content for the podcast while I’m recovering.
Thanks for understanding and for all your support.
See you on the other side!
Will Green