What Exactly Is a Podcast?
(Yes, You Probably Already Know, but Bear with Me)
Let’s not beat around the bush, you most likely already get the basic gist of a podcast. Maybe you’re listening to one right now (if so, I salute your double-tasking!), in which case you’re basically living the concept. You’ve got earphones in, a soothing or perhaps hyper-enthusiastic voice in your ears, if you’re like me you’re inexplicably gripped by “The Rest Is History” talking about Catherine The Great, or “Timesuck” talking about serial killers like Albert Fish.
But podcasts seem to be a relatively new thing? Right?
Well, Not Necessarily – let’s have a look and dip our toe into what podcasts are… at a very top level.
The Marketing Made Clear Podcast
This article features content from the Marketing Made Clear podcast. You can listen along to this episode on Spotify:
Defining a Podcast – The Oxford Way!
For the sake of making this official, let’s bring in the Oxford Dictionary, which defines a podcast as:
“A digital audio file made available on the internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new instalments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.”
Now, let’s break that down. This is essentially a textbook definition, but what it’s really trying to say is that podcasts are like a subscription service, where instead of binging shows with your eyes glued to the screen, you’re tuning in with just your ears. Imagine Netflix, but you can keep your hands free and actually get something done while you listen; like driving, washing dishes, or taking the dog for a walk.
The beauty of a podcast is in the simplicity: it’s there whenever you want it, accessible on your phone, computer, or whatever tech you’ve got handy. It’s an audio file you download (or more likely stream these days), and new episodes drop regularly, just like your favorite TV series. Except, instead of waiting a whole year for the next season of your favorite show, podcasts often release weekly or even daily. You subscribe once, and your app takes care of the rest, pulling in fresh content like a reliable butler serving your morning tea… no fuss, no hassle.
This automatic delivery is a game-changer. You don’t have to remember to check back for new episodes or go hunting for content. It’s like having your own personal DJ or storyteller queued up and ready to go, whether you’re into true crime, comedy, self-improvement, or even the niche topic of… medieval sword fighting techniques (yes, that’s a thing). Podcasts cater to every taste, no matter how specific or quirky, and they’re always there to fill the void while you’re folding laundry or stuck in traffic.

A Brief History of Podcasts (Wait, Podcasts Are HOW Old?)
Now, this is where things get interesting. Did you know podcasts go all the way back to 2004? Yup. Podcasts are practically a teenager, and I’m guessing you didn’t even remember they existed until, what, 2014? Yeah, same.
This whole phenomenon started with two guys, Adam Curry (former MTV VJ, back when they played actual music videos) and Dave Winer (software developer and one of those people you owe thanks to for internet-y things like RSS feeds). Their goal was simple: find a way to download online radio broadcasts to an iPod, which had just made its grand entrance a few years earlier.
Anyway, what did Adam and Dave do?
They went full mad-scientist mode and created this magical thing called iPodder, using RSS to extract audio files and make them available to transfer onto your iPod. (Side note: Remember the iPod? It was that brick-like device we all thought was revolutionary, with its whopping 16GB of storage.)
And get this, the term podcast itself is a glorious mash-up of “iPod” and “broadcast.”
Who knew that this whole thing was all about Apple… Genius, right? Even if you’ve never owned an iPod in your life, you’re now forever tied to one, linguistically speaking.

The Rise of Podcasts (No, They Didn’t Start Getting Popular Yesterday)
Podcasts stayed relatively niche for a while (most things in 2004 were niche, remember flip phones?). But around 2014, the whole concept started to blow up. It was like someone flipped a switch, and suddenly, everyone was obsessed with podcasts. From true crime to obscure hobbyists waxing poetic about 17th-century wallpaper designs, anything could become a podcast. And to be fair, in 2024, if you don’t have a podcast, do you even exist?
Now that you know how it all started, you can feel a bit superior the next time someone says, “Oh, I just discovered this amazing new podcast.” Because guess what? You can hit them with the,
“Well, actually, podcasts have been around since 2004, and they started as a way to download radio shows onto iPods. Adam Curry and Dave Winer made it happen, thank you very much.”
Or maybe not – up to you!!
Enjoy your newfound knowledge, and next time you hit play on your favourite podcast, take a moment to thank Curry and Winer (I agree, it sounds like a German market dish). Oh, and don’t forget that while podcasts may feel like a cutting-edge thing, they’ve been (or could have been) in your ears for quite some time, almost like a cool but forgotten mixtape.