Deceptive Tactics and Manipulative Techniques in Marketing: A Deep Dive into the Dog Food Industry

In today’s world, deceptive tactics and manipulative techniques are rampant in marketing. These strategies often involve misleading or exaggerated claims designed to sell products, which can lead to consumers feeling deceived by false promises or fine print. This kind of marketing breeds distrust and resentment, undermining the relationship between consumers and brands.


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Understanding Manipulative Techniques in Marketing

Manipulative techniques in marketing are designed to exploit psychological triggers. A prime example is charity advertisements that make viewers feel guilty or fearful in order to drive donations. Similarly, some marketing campaigns use fear or guilt to push consumers toward making purchases they might otherwise avoid.

One area where I have extensively studied these tactics is the pet food industry, particularly raw dog food. The dynamics of this market are unlike anything I have seen before. To understand this better, we need to explore the importance of information credibility in influencing consumer behaviour.

The Role of Information Credibility in Consumer Decisions

Information credibility plays a crucial role in shaping consumer decisions. When searching for products, consumers assess the credibility of the information they encounter, which influences their purchasing journey. In the dog food industry, this credibility is especially relevant due to the conflicting perspectives on the best way to feed dogs.

There is significant debate and even outright conflict in the industry regarding the most appropriate diet for dogs. Many dog owners, driven by a desire to care for their pets in the best possible way, perceive challenges to their choice of dog food as an attack on their integrity and love for their pets.

The “Controversy” Surrounding Raw Dog Food

It’s important to approach this topic carefully.

While not all veterinarians oppose raw dog food, as of 2024, the majority still do not actively recommend it. There is a significant amount of communication, often originating from veterinarians, that is strongly against raw dog food. This opposition, which I have termed “Anti-raw rhetoric” in my MBA dissertation, is primarily driven by the established dry-pet food industry.

The established dog food industry, led by major kibble brands, dominates the market. Although 90% of the communication opposing raw dog food comes from veterinarians, the underlying messages often include statements like:

  • Raw dog food isn’t safe because it’s not cooked.
  • Feeding raw dog food will expose your family to harmful bacteria.
  • Raw dog food isn’t a complete and balanced meal due to the lack of carbohydrates.

However, research has shown that:

  1. Dogs thrive on a meat-based diet, as they evolved eating raw meat long before commercial dog food was introduced in 1860.
  2. If raw meat is handled with the same care as when preparing food for humans—such as washing hands and avoiding contamination—there’s little risk to family members.
  3. Dogs do not naturally require carbohydrates in their diet. While they can tolerate carbs, it doesn’t mean they should be a staple in their diet.

Kibble: At a Glance

Feeding kibble to your dog has both upsides and downsides. Understanding these can help you make an informed decision about your pet’s diet.

Upsides of Feeding Kibble

  1. Convenience

    • Ease of Storage and Feeding: Kibble is easy to store, has a long shelf life, and is convenient to feed. You don’t need to refrigerate it, and it’s simple to measure and serve, making it ideal for some busy pet owners.
    • Travel-Friendly: Kibble is portable and doesn’t require special handling, making it easy to take on trips or use in situations where fresh food may not be practical.
  2. Affordability

    • Cost-Effective: Kibble is generally more affordable than fresh or raw diets, making it accessible to a wide range of pet owners. Bulk buying options and discounts further reduce the cost.
    • Wide Range of Price Points: There is a vast array of kibble options, from budget to premium brands, allowing pet owners to choose according to their budget.

Downsides of Feeding Kibble

  1. Processing and Additives

    • Highly Processed: Kibble is a highly processed food, often involving cooking at high temperatures, which degrades the nutritional value of ingredients and create potentially harmful compounds.
    • Additives and Preservatives: Many kibble brands contain artificial preservatives, flavour enhancers, and colours, which are not be ideal for your dog’s long-term health. Even some of the vitamins and minerals added to ensure a balanced diet are synthetic, which aren’t easily absorbed during digestion.
  2. Quality of Ingredients

    • Variable Ingredient Quality: The quality of ingredients in kibble can vary significantly between brands. Lower-quality kibble may contain fillers, by-products, and low-grade protein sources that are less nutritious.
    • Limited Freshness: Kibble lacks the freshness of raw or homemade diets, which can mean fewer natural nutrients and less palatability for some dogs.
  3. Digestibility and Nutrient Absorption

    • Lower Digestibility: Some kibble, particularly those with a high grain or filler content, may be less digestible, meaning dogs absorb fewer nutrients from their food. This can also result in larger stool volume.
    • Potential Allergens: Common kibble ingredients like corn, soy, and wheat can be allergens for some dogs, leading to digestive issues, skin problems, or other health concerns.
  4. Lack of Moisture

    • Dehydration Risk: Kibble is low in moisture, which means dogs need to drink more water to stay hydrated. Some dogs don’t drink enough water, which can put them at risk of urinary tract issues or kidney problems, particularly in older dogs.
    • Possible Contribution to Obesity: The concentrated calories in kibble, combined with the low water content, can contribute to overfeeding and obesity if portion sizes are not carefully controlled.
  5. Taste and Palatability

    • Less Palatable for Some Dogs: Some dogs may find kibble less appealing compared to fresh or raw food. Picky eaters might be less enthusiastic about kibble, leading to inconsistent eating habits.
  6. Environmental Concerns

    • Sustainability Issues: The production and packaging of kibble can have a significant environmental impact, especially if it contains low-grade meat or animal by-products that come from industrial farming practices.

Feeding kibble to your dog offers convenience and affordability, making it a popular choice for many pet owners. However, it’s important to consider the potential downsides, such as processing, ingredient quality, and the lack of moisture. Balancing these factors and selecting a high-quality kibble can help ensure your dog’s diet supports their overall health and well-being. If you’re concerned about the drawbacks of kibble, you might consider supplementing with fresh foods or exploring alternative diets, such as raw dog food.

The Influence of Veterinary Recommendations

Veterinarians are among the most trusted sources for advice on dog food. However, it’s crucial to understand that their nutritional training often comes from these large, established pet food conglomerates. Moreover, many veterinary practices are being purchased by these same brands, as prescribing dog food has become extremely lucrative.

This protectionist approach; using fear to steer consumers away from raw dog food and back to dry foods, is starting to backfire. In the UK, 1 in 5 dog owners has tried feeding their dog raw food, and studies show that the credibility of both veterinarians and large dry food brands has suffered as a result.

The Backlash Against Fear-Based Marketing

The backlash shouldn’t come as a surprise.

It is widely accepted that the “excessive use of fear” in marketing negatively affects campaign effectiveness. Susan Cave’s “Consumer Behaviour in a Week” delves into this phenomenon in more detail, highlighting how fear can alienate consumers rather than persuade them.

In the case of raw dog food versus established conglomerates, the attempt to villainise raw pet food has inadvertently driven consumers away. This approach has damaged the trust that consumers once had in these large brands, and veterinarians, by association, have also been affected.

Embracing Consumer Demand for Natural Pet Food

Despite the market power and budgets of brands selling highly processed foods like kibble, consumers are increasingly moving towards natural ways of feeding their dogs. If these brands continue with a protectionist approach, they risk becoming obsolete in the face of changing consumer preferences.

A sustainable future for these brands lies in embracing the trend toward natural, unprocessed foods and aligning with consumer demand. Rather than resisting change, they should consider going with the flow, adapting their offerings to meet the evolving needs of dog owners who are prioritising their pets’ health and well-being.

What is Driving The Growth of Raw Dog Food in the UK?

The growth of raw dog food in the UK has been driven by a combination of market factors that reflect changing consumer preferences, health trends, and shifts in the pet food industry. Here are the key factors that have contributed to this:

1. Increased Focus on Pet Health and Wellness

  • Humanisation of Pets: As pets are increasingly seen as family members (and as part of the extended self), their health and well-being have become a top priority for owners. This has led to a greater demand for high-quality, nutritious food that mimics a natural diet, with raw food seen as being closer to what dogs would eat in the wild.
  • Concerns Over Processed Foods: Many pet owners are wary of highly-processed foods due to concerns about additives, preservatives, and artificial ingredients. This has fuelled interest in raw dog food, which is seen as a more natural and less processed alternative.

2. Growing Awareness and Education

  • Access to Information: The internet and social media have made it easier for pet owners to access information about different feeding options, including raw diets. Influencers, blogs, and online communities have played a significant role in spreading awareness about the potential benefits of raw feeding.
  • Veterinary Debates: The ongoing debate within the veterinary community about the benefits and risks of raw feeding has also raised awareness. Some vets and pet nutritionists, such as those at the RFVS, advocate for raw diets, further fuelling interest among pet owners who are looking for alternatives to conventional pet food.

3. Rise of Niche and Premium Pet Food Brands

  • Emergence of Specialist Brands: The market has seen the rise of niche brands specialising in raw dog food such as Paleo Ridge, offering a wide range of products tailored to different breeds, ages, and health conditions. These brands often focus on transparency, high-quality ingredients, and ethical sourcing, appealing to discerning pet owners.
  • Premiumisation of Pet Food: There is a broader trend toward premiumisation in the pet food market, with consumers willing to spend more on higher-quality products. Raw dog food, with its premium positioning, fits well within this trend.

4. Changing Consumer Preferences

  • Demand for Customisation: Consumers are increasingly seeking personalised products that meet the specific needs of their pets. Some raw dog food brands often offer customised meal plans and tailored nutrition, which appeals to pet owners who want to optimise their dog’s diet.
  • Sustainability and Ethics: Ethical considerations, such as concerns about the environmental impact of pet food production and the welfare of animals used in pet food, have led some consumers to choose raw diets whose manufacturers are more transparent on ethical issues offering higher standards of sustainability and ethics.

5. Shift in Retail Channels

  • Expansion of E-commerce: The growth of e-commerce has made raw dog food more accessible, allowing consumers to easily purchase and receive fresh, frozen, or freeze-dried raw food delivered to their doorsteps. This convenience has removed some of the barriers that previously limited the adoption of raw diets.
  • Availability in Mainstream Retailers: As raw dog food has gained popularity, it has become more widely available in both specialty pet stores and mainstream retailers. This increased availability has made it easier for pet owners to try raw food options.

6. Influence of Pet Food Recalls and Scandals

  • Safety Concerns with Commercial Pet Food: Incidents of pet food recalls due to contamination or health risks have made some consumers wary of conventional pet food. In response, many have turned to raw feeding, which is perceived as a safer and more controlled option.

7. Perceived Health Benefits

  • Anecdotal Success Stories: Many pet owners report noticeable improvements in their dogs’ health after switching to a raw diet, such as better coat condition, increased energy levels, and improved digestion. These anecdotal success stories have contributed to the word-of-mouth spread of raw feeding.
  • Alignment with Ancestral Diet Theories: The idea that dogs should eat a diet similar to their wild ancestors has gained traction. Proponents of raw feeding argue that such a diet is more aligned with a dog’s natural physiology, leading to better overall health.

8. Backlash Against Fear-Based Marketing

  • Skepticism Toward Conventional Brands: As mentioned in the previous discussion, the aggressive anti-raw rhetoric from conventional pet food brands has led to a backlash. Consumers are increasingly skeptical of fear-based marketing tactics and are more likely to explore alternatives, including raw diets.

These factors combined have created a fertile environment for the growth of raw dog food in the UK, reflecting broader shifts in consumer behavior and market dynamics within the pet food industry.

How could Conglomerates embrace selling a Raw Dog Food product?

Conglomerates in the pet food industry can successfully embrace the raw dog food market by adopting several strategic approaches that align with current consumer trends and preferences.

Here are some ways they could do this:

1. Market Research and Consumer Insights

  • Understand Consumer Preferences: Conduct extensive market research to understand consumer motivations, preferences, and concerns regarding raw dog food. This can help develop products that meet the specific needs and desires of pet owners.
  • Identify Trends: Keep an eye on emerging trends in the pet food sector, such as the growing demand for natural ingredients and sustainable sourcing. This insight can inform product development and marketing strategies.

2. Develop High-Quality Raw Products

  • Focus on Nutritional Balance: Ensure that raw dog food products are nutritionally balanced and formulated to meet the dietary needs of dogs at various life stages. Collaborating with veterinarians and pet nutritionists can enhance product credibility.
  • Sourcing Quality Ingredients: Use high-quality, ethically sourced ingredients to build trust and appeal to health-conscious consumers. Transparency about ingredient sourcing and production practices is crucial.

3. Education and Awareness Campaigns

  • Consumer Education: Launch educational campaigns that inform pet owners about the benefits of raw feeding, including proper handling, preparation, and the health benefits of raw diets. This can alleviate concerns and misconceptions about raw feeding.
  • Provide Research and Evidence: Share research and case studies that support the benefits of raw diets, backed by veterinarians or pet nutrition experts. This can help build credibility and foster trust in the brand.

4. Product Variety and Customisation

  • Diverse Product Range: Offer a variety of raw dog food products, including different protein sources (e.g., beef, chicken, lamb) and formulations to cater to diverse customer preferences and dietary needs.
  • Customisation Options: Provide customisation options for pet owners to create meal plans tailored to their dog’s specific dietary requirements, preferences, and health conditions.

5. Adopt and Utilise Sustainable Practices

  • Sustainability Focus: Implement sustainable sourcing and production practices to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers. This could include using organic ingredients, eco-friendly packaging, and supporting local farmers.
  • Transparency in Practices: Clearly communicate sustainability efforts in marketing materials, emphasising the brand’s commitment to ethical practices and environmental responsibility.

6. Leverage Technology and E-commerce

  • Online Sales and Subscription Services: Develop an e-commerce platform to sell raw dog food directly to consumers. Offering subscription services can provide convenience and ensure regular deliveries of fresh products.
  • Use Technology for Education: Create apps or online resources that guide pet owners through the raw feeding process, including meal planning, portion control, and ingredient handling.

7. Collaborate with Veterinarians and Pet Experts

  • Build Partnerships: Collaborate with veterinarians, pet nutritionists, and pet care experts to endorse raw dog food products. Their recommendations can enhance credibility and trust in the product.
  • Veterinary Education: Provide educational resources and training for veterinarians about raw feeding to ensure they feel comfortable discussing these options with pet owners.

8. Effective Marketing Strategies

  • Targeted Marketing: Use targeted marketing strategies to reach dog owners who are interested in raw diets. Highlight the benefits of raw feeding, such as improved health, energy levels, and coat condition.
  • Positive Messaging: Shift from fear-based marketing associated with traditional kibble to positive messaging that emphasises the benefits of raw feeding, creating a more welcoming environment for potential customers.

9. Engage with the Community

  • Create Online Communities: Foster online communities where pet owners can share their experiences, ask questions, and receive support regarding raw feeding. This can help build brand loyalty and community engagement.
  • Participate in Events: Engage in pet expos, trade shows, and local pet events to showcase raw dog food products and educate pet owners about their benefits.

By strategically embracing the raw dog food market, conglomerates can capitalise on a growing trend while addressing consumer demand for high-quality, natural pet food. Focusing on education, sustainability, product variety, and community engagement can help them build trust and establish a strong presence in the raw dog food segment, ultimately leading to increased market share and customer loyalty.

Author: Will Green, MA MBA

Date: 4th September 2024

Title: Deceptive Tactics and Manipulative Techniques in Marketing: A Deep Dive into the Dog Food Industry
Will Green - Director of Sales and Marketing at Paleo Ridge

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